Reisemobilstellplatz Hagen aTW
Hagen am Teutoburger Wald
The motorhome parking area at Schulten Holz is very popular. It has been offered free of charge since 2019. The site has now been extensively modernized with the paving of additional pitches, the installation of a new water column and additional electricity columns at the pitches, as well as the installation of a self-cleaning automatic toilet.
The introduction of the fees serves to cover the maintenance costs of the pitch and to ensure the attractiveness of the offer in the long term in order to remain a worthwhile destination for numerous motorhome tourists.
So a usage fee of 10,- Euro per day (including services for supply and disposal) has been charged since 01.04.2024. The parking duration is limited to 5 days.
The user fee must be paid immediately via a parking ticket machine. The parking ticket must be placed in the windshield, which is then checked regularly.
You can find the corresponding usage and fee regulations here
The municipality of Hagen a.T.W. asks all users of the motorhome site to understand the introduction of the fees and to observe the payment modalities and wishes you a pleasant stay at the foot of the Kirschlehrpfad.
49170 Hagen am Teutoburger Wald
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